Ludlum Model 3 (With 44-9 or 44-38 Detector)

Ludlum Model 3 (With 44-9 or 44-38 Detector)

Pine Item #51516

This is Ludlum's best selling, general purpose, handheld analog ratemeter known for accuracy and long-lasting dependability. The analog meter comes in a variety of measurement ranges and units to support the external radiation detector selected.

The aluminum cast instrument housing with its separate battery compartment and accompanying metal handle offer an industrial robustness and quality that promote long-lasting protection and instrument life. The front-panel controls include a rotary switch for selecting the four-decade range, instrument shut-off, battery test, an audio on/off switch, a fast/slow response switch, and a count reset button.



4-Decade Analog Ratemeter

Supports GM & Scintillation Type Detectors

Greater than 2000 Hour Battery Life

Quantity must be 1 or more
Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Technical Specifications

APPLICATION:alpha beta and gamma surveying
DETECTION RANGE:typically 0-200 mR/hr or 0-500000 cpm
LINEARITY: reading within 10% of true value with detector connected
HIGH VOLTAGE: adjustable from 400-1500 Vdc
THRESHOLD: fixed at 40 mV
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