Heron Water Level Meter Dipper-T
Heron Instruments

Heron Water Level Meter Dipper-T

Pine Item #51714

The dipper-T Water Level Meter materials are top quality and one of the most reliable water level meters available using the best available heavy duty tape (tested by the manufacturer to ensure compliance with appropriate ASME standards) with a breaking load of over 300 pounds (150 kilos). The tape is made from stretch resistant, high tensile steel.


Easy to read heavy duty polyethylene jacketed tape with stainless steel conductors

Tape scales are printed on the steel tape beneath the jacketing to ensure legibility

Water and dust proofed IP68 electronics on a removable front panel housing the single 9V battery drawer audible and light signal sensitivity control and circuit test button

Third Hand feature allows the unit to be hung on the well casing while test results are recorded

Standard tapes are marked in feet and 100th/ft. or meters and mm

Quantity must be 1 or more
Equipment available for both rental and purchase
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Technical Specifications

Reel Weight2.4Kg
Probe Weight158g
Depth RatingFull Length of Tape
Wetted MaterialsStainless Steel Viton Delrin and Teflon
Power Source9 Volt Alkaline
Operating ModeStatic/DrawDown
Sensitivity ControlStainless Steel and Aluminum construction
Audio/Visual IndicationUltra bright Red LED and 80dbi buzzer
Tape Jacketingpolyethylene
Tape Conductors7 strand(4 Stainless Steel and 3 Copper)
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